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You Negotiate Like a Girl: Reflections on a Career in the National Football League

by Amy Trask (Author),

ISBN: 9781637272299
List Price: $18.95
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You Negotiate Like a Girl (9781637272299)

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An incomparable memoir of business and football from the woman known as "The Princess of Darkness."

Former NFL team executive Amy Trask has held many titles during her career—including chief executive, analyst, and author—but Raiders fans know her better as "The Princess of Darkness."

Trask joined the Raiders as an intern during law school after the team moved from Oakland to Los Angeles—the position the result of a cold call she made to the team. From there, she worked her way up through the ranks of the organization, to the post she would eventually hold as chief executive.

Along the way, Trask worked extremely closely with the late Al Davis, a man who treated her and others on his team without regard to gender, race, and age. Trask may have been the highest-ranking female executive in the NFL during her tenure with the Raiders, but in You Negotiate Like a Girl: Reflections on a Career in the National Football League, she shares how she found success by operating without regard to gender.

Replete with insider tales about being part of the Raiders' front office, behind the closed doors of NFL owners meetings, and Davis himself, Trask's book is a must-read not only for football fans, but anyone who wants to succeed in business.

The book, You Negotiate Like a Girl (9781637272299) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781637272299 in by Amy Trask, Michael Freeman, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Publisher: Triumph Books
Author: Amy Trask
Contributors: Michael Freeman,
Publication Date: 10/04/2022
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN: 1637272294
Publisher: Triumph Books
Author: Amy Trask
Contributors: Michael Freeman,
Publication Date: 10/04/2022
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN: 1637272294

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