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Women Money Power: The Rise and Fall of Economic Equality

by Josie Cox (Author),

ISBN: 9781419762987
List Price: $30.00
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Women Money Power
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Women Money Power (9781419762987)

Abrams Press

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From an experienced financial journalist, Women Money Power is the story of how women have fought for financial freedom, and the social and political hurdles that have kept them from equality.
For centuries, women were denied equal access to money and the freedom and power that came with it. They were restricted from owning property or transacting in real estate. Even well into the 20th century, women could not take out their own loans or own bank accounts without their husband’s permission. They could be fired for getting married or pregnant, and if they still had a job, they could be kept from certain roles, restricted from working longer hours, and paid less than men for equal work.
It was a raw deal, and women weren’t happy with it. So they pushed back. In Women Money Power, financial journalist Josie Cox tells the story of women’s fight for financial freedom. This is an inspirational account of brave pioneers who took on social mores and the law, including the “Rosies” who filled industrial jobs vacated by men and helped win WWII, the heiress whose fortune helped create the birth control pill, the brassy investor who broke into the boys’ club of the New York Stock Exchange, and the namesake of landmark equal pay legislation who refused to accept discrimination.
But as any woman can tell you, the battle for equality—for money and power—is far from over. Cox delves deep into the challenges women face today and the culture and systems that hold them back. This is a fascinating narrative account of progress, women’s lives, and the work still to be done.

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Product details

Author: Josie Cox
Publisher: Abrams Press
Publication Date: 03/05/2024
Language: English
Pages: 336
ISBN: 1419762982
Author: Josie Cox
Publisher: Abrams Press
Publication Date: 03/05/2024
Language: English
Pages: 336
ISBN: 1419762982

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