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Untapped Potential: Turning Ordinary People into Extraordinary Performers

by Jack Lannom (Author),

ISBN: 9780785274551
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Untapped Potential (9780785274551)

Thomas Nelson

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Unleash the strategies for success.

You are a winner. You desire to build a home and business that radiates excellence and resonates with passion. You possess the desire to build lives and pass on a legacy, but until now, you lacked the specific, how-to techniques that will allow you to achieve your full capability, and that will enable you to inspire discretionary effort in others. Now realize your Untapped Potential! In this book, you will:

  • Learn the twelve secrets for turning ordinary people into extraordinary performers.
  • Discover how to bring out the best in yourself and in everyone around you by learning the Seven Powers of Personhood.
  • Master the five secrets for turning the workplace into a fun place.
  • Learn the three essentials for becoming a master of human performance technology.

Untapped Potential is unparalleled in the field of personal development and professional motivation because it contends for a theistic, rather than a humanistic, basis for self-worth. "This is a book of motivation that is based on the personal nature of God," says Jack Lannom. "Humanism teaches that we must work for self-worth, in order to become somebody. Theism teaches that we work from a secure platform of human worth because we are somebody."

Untapped Potential is more than mere attitude adjustment, it is life changing. It will stretch your mind, broaden your belief, increase your effectiveness, and enrich your spirit.

The book, Untapped Potential (9780785274551) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9780785274551 in by Jack Lannom, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: Jack Lannom
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 06/14/1998
Language: English
Pages: 284
ISBN: 0785274553
Author: Jack Lannom
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 06/14/1998
Language: English
Pages: 284
ISBN: 0785274553

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