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The Unexpected Perspective

by Carl Hill (Author),

ISBN: 9781682226315
List Price: $9.99
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The Unexpected Perspective
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The Unexpected Perspective (9781682226315)


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This story discusses a few key events that occurred during my lifetime and the perspectives that I was able to gain from each of them. For as long as I could remember my life has been unpredictable. It’s been like one roller coaster ride with every twist and turn enlightening me to the harsh and pleasant realities of life. I am often asked how I ended up where I am and how I came to be in Taiwan. I get asked about how I landed my career and how I’ve been able to travel so freely at such a young age. Interestingly enough I am often asked these questions by people whose lives and experiences I admire, and who encouraged me to want to do more than what I was currently doing. After observing the reactions and responses to my story each time it was told to someone new I decided it best to share my experiences with as many people as possible. There were times my own self-doubt could have prevented me from experiencing something. By relinquishing that doubt and steadily moving forward several doors were opened for me. The hope is to take what I have been able to learn from saying yes more than no, and being placed in situations where the outcome was unknown yet maintaining a positive attitude, will encourage more people to do the same.

The book, The Unexpected Perspective (9781682226315) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781682226315 in by Carl Hill, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Publisher: BookBaby
Author: Carl Hill
Publication Date: 01/28/2016
Language: English
Pages: 158
ISBN: 168222631X
Publisher: BookBaby
Author: Carl Hill
Publication Date: 01/28/2016
Language: English
Pages: 158
ISBN: 168222631X

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