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The Power of Strategic Commitment: Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Total Alignment and Engagement

by Josh LEIBNER (Author), Gershon MADER (Author), Alan Weiss (Author),

ISBN: 9780814434406
List Price: $26.99
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The Power of Strategic Commitment (9780814434406)


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Employee engagement, accountability, and true commitment--not management’s well-thought-out initiatives--are the real key to achieving results. In The Power of Strategic Commitment readers learn how to improve strategic processes by enlisting the support of managers, employees, boards, suppliers, investors, and others to promote company-wide ownership. The book outlines the key factors that determine commitment and reveals how readers can continuously measure buy-in, involve everyone in creating their own piece of a larger organizational future, tailor commitment strategies for individual employees, keep everyone on the road to achieving stated goals, hire fully-engaged talent, and create a commitment-inspiring rewards system.Most managers and executives don’t have a clear system for ensuring the support they need from those around them. But creating and sustaining the kind of buy-in that drives results starts with you. The Power of Strategic Commitment provides practical methods for getting everyone to not only accept and support, but actually embrace organizational initiatives and promote long-term success.

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Product details

Author: Josh LEIBNERGershon MADERAlan Weiss
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 05/27/2009
Language: English
Pages: 288
ISBN: 0814434401
Author: Josh LEIBNERGershon MADERAlan Weiss
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 05/27/2009
Language: English
Pages: 288
ISBN: 0814434401

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