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The Millennial Leader

by Vivek Iyyani (Author),

ISBN: 9789814914130
List Price: $15.99
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The Millennial Leader: Leading across Generations in the New Normal
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The Millennial Leader: Leading across Generations in the New Normal (9789814914130)

Penguin Random House SEA

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The Ultimate Guide for every Millennial who’s moving into management

Millennials will be our next great generation of leaders. They are quickly filling executive and management roles at all levels. If you’re one of them, you’re probably leading not just your peers, but also Baby Boomers, Gen Xers (who have been around much longer than you) and of course, the new kids on the block, the Gen Zs. The younger generation of leaders are rejecting old school leadership practices outright, forcing organizations to rethink and reshape the way leaders lead.

Leadership no longer demands a corner office, an official title or even a physical workplace. The terms ‘boss’ and ‘supervisor’ sound foreign to today’s employees. Effective leaders are described as inspiring influencers, mentors and advocates today. Millennial leaders face the ultimate challenge of overcoming generational differences, reverse ageism, motivating an isolated, remote, gig and burnt- out workforce, while juggling all the responsibilities and expectations as a leader.

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Product details

Publisher: Penguin Random House SEA
Author: Vivek Iyyani
Publication Date: 06/11/2023
Language: English
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9814914134
Publisher: Penguin Random House SEA
Author: Vivek Iyyani
Publication Date: 06/11/2023
Language: English
Pages: 236
ISBN: 9814914134

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