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The Insider's Guide to Culture Change: Creating a Workplace That Delivers, Grows, and Adapts

by Siobhan McHale (Author),

ISBN: 9781400214655
List Price: $24.99
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The Insider's Guide to Culture Change (9781400214655)

HarperCollins Leadership

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Culture transformation expert Siobhan McHale defines culture simply: “It’s how things work around here.” The secret to the success or failure of any business boils down to its culture.

From disengaged employees to underserved customers, business failures invariably stem from a culture problem. In The Insider’s Guide to Culture Change, acclaimed culture transformation expert and global executive Siobhan McHale shares her proven four-step process to demystifying culture transformation and starting down the path to positive change.

Many leaders and managers struggle to get a handle on exactly what culture is and how pervasive its impact is throughout an organization. Some try to change the culture by publishing a statement of core values but soon find that no meaningful change happens.

Others try to unify the culture around a set of shared goals that satisfy shareholders but find their efforts backfire as stressed employees throw their hands up because “leadership just doesn’t get it.” Others implement expensive new IT systems to try to bring about change, only to find that employees find “workarounds” and soon go back to their old ways.

The Insider’s Guide to Culture Change walks readers through McHale’s four-step process to culture transformation, including how to:

  • Understand what “corporate culture” really is and how it impacts every aspect of the way your organization operates
  • Analyze where your culture is broken or not adding maximum value
  • Unlock the power of reframing roles within your company to empower and engage your employees
  • Utilize proven methods and tools to break through deeply embedded patterns and change your company mind-set
  • Keep the momentum going by consolidating gains and maintaining your foot on the change accelerator

With The Insider’s Guide to Culture Change, watch your employees go from followers to change leaders who drive an agile culture that constantly outperforms.

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Product details

Author: Siobhan McHale
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publication Date: 02/11/2020
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 1400214653
Author: Siobhan McHale
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publication Date: 02/11/2020
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 1400214653

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About the Author: Siobhan McHale,

Siobhan McHale has worked across four continents, helping thousands of leaders to create more agile and productive workplaces. She also has been on the “inside” as the executive in charge of culture change in a series of large, multinational organizations. One of these inside jobs was a radical seven-year change initiative at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) Bank that transformed it from the lowest-performing bank in the country into one of the highest-performing and most admired banks in the world. Professor John Kotter used her work with ANZ as a Harvard Business School case study designed to teach MBA students about managing change.