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The Energy of Success: Power Up Your Productivity, Transform Your Habits, and Maximize Workplace Motivation

by Rebecca Ahmed (Author),

ISBN: 9781394245475
List Price: $28.00
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The Energy of Success (9781394245475)


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Increase your positive energy at work—and help your team do the same

In The Energy of Success, award-winning energy expert Rebecca Ahmed reveals precisely how to shift your physical, emotional, and mental potential through proven, easy-to-use strategies you can start using today. When you learn to shift your own and your team's energy (even if you are not in charge!), you will immediately increase their joy and enthusiasm, transform your workplace, and infuse positivity into your workplace…for everyone.

In the book, you'll find five energetic success principles and practical steps you can take immediately to improve your life and the positive influence you can have on the people around you. You'll also discover:

  • Key takeaways to empower others and prepare and control your own personal energy levels at work
  • Critical insights into how you can shift your employees' focus from dwelling on challenges to innovating and communicating solutions
  • Ways to control your responses and reactions to external factors at work, at home, and everywhere else

Perfect for employees of all levels, The Energy of Success is a must-read resource for professionals everywhere who hope to change and improve their energy to unlock new levels of success and happiness.

The book, The Energy of Success (9781394245475) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781394245475 in by Rebecca Ahmed, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Publisher: Wiley
Author: Rebecca Ahmed
Publication Date: 04/23/2024
Language: English
Pages: 256
Publisher: Wiley
Author: Rebecca Ahmed
Publication Date: 04/23/2024
Language: English
Pages: 256

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