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The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book: 50 Activities for Promoting EQ at Work

by Adele Lynn (Author),

ISBN: 9780814471234
List Price: $39.99
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The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book (9780814471234)


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"We've all heard of ""IQ""...but what's ""EQ?"" It's ""Emotional Quotient"" (aka Emotional Intelligence), and experts say that EQ is a greater predictor of success at work than IQ. Companies are increasingly looking for ways to motivate and develop their employees' emotional intelligence. This book presents trainers and coaches with 50 innovative exercises to be used for either individuals or groups. The activities found in the book are grouped according to the various core competencies associated with Emotional Intelligence: * Self-Awareness and Control: an awareness of one's values, emotions, skills, and drives, and the ability to control one's emotional responses * Empathy: an understanding of how others perceive situations * Social Expertness: the ability to build relationships based on an assumption of human equality * Mastery of Vision: the development and communication of a personal philosophy The book also includes suggested training combinations and coaching tips."

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Product details

Author: Adele Lynn
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 12/26/2001
Language: English
Pages: 304
ISBN: 0814471234
Author: Adele Lynn
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 12/26/2001
Language: English
Pages: 304
ISBN: 0814471234

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About the Author: Adele Lynn,

Adele B. Lynn (Belle Vernon, PA) is the founder and owner of The Adele Lynn Leadership Group, an international consulting and training firm whose clients include many Fortune 500 companies. Her business focuses on helping organizations strengthen productivity and quality through improvements in emotional intelligence and workplace trust. Her previous books include Quick Emotional Intelligence Activities for Busy Managers (978-0-8144-0895-7), The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book (978-0-8144-7123-4) and The EQ Difference (978-0-8144-0844-5).

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