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The Domino’s Story: How the Innovative Pizza Giant Used Technology to Deliver a Customer Experience Revolution


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The Domino’s Story (9781400232734)

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Imagine if you were present as?a small pizza joint became one of?the most successful restaurants in the world. The Domino’s Story will help you understand and adopt the competitive strategies, workplace culture, and business practices that made the iconic pizza chain the innovative restaurant and e-commerce leader it is today.

As one of the most technologically advanced fast-food chains in the market, Domino's has cemented their reputation for innovation,?paved in industry-leading profits.?In February 2018, according to Ad Age,?Domino's unseated Pizza?Hut to become the largest pizza seller worldwide in terms of sales. 

Rather than just tampering with a recipe that was working, they decided to think outside of the pizza box by creating digital tools that emphasized convenience and put the customer first.?For the first time, the adaptable strategies?behind the rise and dominance of?Domino's?are outlined?in these pages.

Through the story of the Domino's, you’ll learn:

  • How to create meaningful innovation without changing the core of the product that people already love.
  • How to recognize and take advantage of unique opportunities to alleviate your customers’ pain points.
  • How to grow a company by taking a holistic approach to the business.
  • The importance of delivering a quality experience that will keep customers calling for more.

Discover how this iconic organization got it right and created a successful long-lasting business, and how you can do the same for your company.

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Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

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