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The BRAVE Leader: More courage. Less fear. Better decisions for inclusive leadership.

by David McQueen (Author),

ISBN: 9781788604536
List Price: $20.99
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The BRAVE Leader (9781788604536)

Practical Inspiration Publishing

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Your business needs you to be brave when it comes to inclusion.

David McQueen has coached leaders across all sectors to step up to inclusive leadership, transforming their processes, policies and ways of working to support diversity and reap the rewards.

Many leaders are terrified of doing the wrong thing, so they do nothing. That is not an option. Discover how to think strategically about problem-solving and decision-making so that you embed inclusivity in your organization, no matter the pace of change you face, and future-proof your talent management, product development, customer experience and more.

David McQueen is a leadership coach, international speaker and facilitator. He is the cofounder of professional development company Q Squared Ltd, the host of The BRAVE Leader podcast and a blogger on all things leadership and culture change.

The book, The BRAVE Leader (9781788604536) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781788604536 in by David McQueen, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: David McQueen
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 01/30/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788604539
Author: David McQueen
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 01/30/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788604539

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About the Author: David McQueen,

David McQueen is a leadership coach, international speaker and facilitator. He is the cofounder of professional development company Q Squared Ltd, the host of The BRAVE Leader podcast and a blogger on all things leadership and culture change

David’s work has taken him all over the world working in both profit and non-profit sectors. His clients include Aviva, JP Morgan, Bloomberg, Google, Facebook, Mercedes Benz, Tate and Lyle and UnLtd. He is also a 3x TEDx speaker and a TED Fellow.