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Strategy Games: A Collection of 50 Games & Puzzles to Stimulate Mathematical Thinking

by J Sheppard (Author), J Wilkinson (Author),

ISBN: 9780906212707
List Price: $14.99
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Strategy Games
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Strategy Games (9780906212707)

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These games have been chosen or adapted from games played all over the world. For each there is a blackline master sheet which gives the board and the rules. Children then try to work out a winning or not losing strategy within those rules. Later, they are encouraged to alter them and to explore the effect such changes have on the strategy of the game. Extensive teachers notes are included.

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Product details

Author: J SheppardJ Wilkinson
Publisher: Tarquin Group
Publication Date: 02/01/1989
Language: English
Pages: 64
ISBN: 0906212707
Author: J SheppardJ Wilkinson
Publisher: Tarquin Group
Publication Date: 02/01/1989
Language: English
Pages: 64
ISBN: 0906212707

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