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Strategically Navigating Anti-Black Racism in Professional Spaces: A Practical Guide for Black People Responding to Racism in the Workplace

by Pearis L. Jean (Author),

ISBN: 9781648482939
List Price: $24.95
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Strategically Navigating Anti-Black Racism in Professional Spaces
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Strategically Navigating Anti-Black Racism in Professional Spaces (9781648482939)

New Harbinger Publications

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An empowering guide to help you navigate racism in the workplace, find solutions that work for you, and stay focused on your professional goals and well-being.

Have you ever been in a meeting or had a conversation where a coworker or manager said something racist, and wondered how to respond? People often understand racism in terms of blatant, overtly hostile behaviors and attitudes—such as verbal abuse or physical intimidation. At work, however, racism is typically more subtle, and often takes the form of microaggressions, being ignored, being invalidated or talked over, being overly criticized, or having assumptions made about your abilities. The perpetrator might think nothing of their actions, but the impact is real, and over time it may deteriorate your mental health, well-being, and job satisfaction.

You should not have to experience racism—and it is not your fault—but the unfortunate reality is that many Black people do, especially in their workplace. Experiences of racism can leave you feeling disempowered, hurt, and unsure of what to do next. Having the confidence to stand up to racism can be incredibly difficult. And once you muster the courage to say something, what do you say, and when do you say it?

Based on the author’s innovative SNAPS (Strategically Navigating Anti-Black Racism in Professional Spaces) decision-making model, this empowering workbook provides practical skills for navigating and responding to anti-Black racism in the workplace. With this much-needed guide, you’ll find solutions that work for you and your unique situation, as well as tips for addressing interpersonal issues, setting boundaries, and attending to your emotional and mental health while ensuring that you achieve your professional goals and aspirations.

Whether overt or covert, if you’ve experienced racism in the workplace, you may feel trapped in a dilemma. How should you respond to an incident of racism? Should you ignore it, potentially allowing it to fester beneath the surface like an unseen infection? Or should you speak up, and risk the very real consequences: being disbelieved, criticized, or worse, fired?

This workbook offers essential tools to help you make informed choices about how to respond to racism in the workplace, assert yourself with confidence, and prioritize your own well-being.

The book, Strategically Navigating Anti-Black Racism in Professional Spaces (9781648482939) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781648482939 in by Pearis L. Jean, Della V. Mosley, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: Pearis L. Jean
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Contributors: Della V. Mosley,
Publication Date: 06/01/2024
Language: English
Pages: 168
ISBN: 1648482937
Author: Pearis L. Jean
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Contributors: Della V. Mosley,
Publication Date: 06/01/2024
Language: English
Pages: 168
ISBN: 1648482937

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