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Sports Illustrated: Inside Baseball (9781933405001)


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ISBN: 9781933405001
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Sports Illustrated: Inside Baseball
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Sports Illustrated: Inside Baseball (9781933405001)

Sports Illustrated

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No sport has inspired better writing than baseball, and no one writes baseball better than Tom Verducci. As Sports Illustrated's lead baseball writer since 1993, Verducci has witnessed the achievements of the games greatest heroes and told their inspiring stories with unmatched passion and sophistication. He has enriched SIs readers with an insiders perspective on the game, examining subtle shifts in the ever-changing balance between pitchers and hitters, between slumps and streaks, between sacred records and the athletes trying to break them. Despite his deep affection for baseball, however, Verducci has never shied away from the hard truth about the game: his landmark piece about steroids, for instance, changed the baseball landscape forever.These 25 pieces span the generations from Sandy Koufax to Roger Clemens, from Ted Williams to Barry Bonds.They chronicle the important trends in the game and celebrate baseballs brightest stars and most breathtaking performances.They are the best work of a writer at the top of his game.

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