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Solar Sketching: A Comprehensive Guide to Drawing the Sun


ISBN: 9781493929009
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Solar Sketching (9781493929009)


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From the authors of Sketching the Moon comes a comprehensive guide filled with richly illustrated, detailed drawing tutorials that cover a variety of solar phenomena. Explanations of what to expect visually from white light, Hydrogen-alpha and Calcium K filters are provided for those new to solar observing, along with essential tips on equipment, observing techniques and the practicalities of drawing at the eyepiece. Time-honored, traditional methods and media are described in tandem with innovative techniques developed and shared by contemporary astronomical sketchers. For the technically minded, detailed descriptions are given on how to use image manipulation software to bring your sketches to life through animation.

The Sun is the most visually dynamic object in our solar system and offers compelling, spectacular views. Knotted magnetic field lines give rise to powerful eruptions and form the intricate sunspots and arching prominences that make our nearest star one of the most exciting, yet challenging, astronomical objects to sketch. Facilitated by the availability of affordable dedicated solar telescopes and filters, the Sun has become an increasingly popular target amongst astronomical sketchers. The use of narrowband solar filters provides a wonderful opportunity to capture views of the Sun that have, until recently, been largely inaccessible.

You’ll discover easy to follow, step-by-step instructions geared toward your specific interests, be it technical sketching and contributing to science, personal study, or even fun solar outreach activities that help children learn through art. By using Solar Sketching as a reference, drawing the Sun has never been easier.

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Product details

Publisher: Springer New York
Publisher: Springer New York

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