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Secret Kindness Agents

by Ferial Pearson (Author),

ISBN: 9781608080915
List Price: $14.95
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Secret Kindness Agents
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Secret Kindness Agents (9781608080915)

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Secret Kindness Agents was a featured segment on the Hallmark Channel airing of The Christmas Train in December 2017.

Moved by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, Ferial Pearson wondered if a simple act of kindness could change a life. She thought of the school where she taught and the students she guided every day and wondered, what would happen if we started secretly carrying out small acts of kindness in school?

Could a modest act of compassion really change the course of a life? She posed the question to her students. They didn’t have the answers but they were willing to find out. So they became the Secret Kindness Agents. They not only changed the lives of those they met, they changed their own. Their hope, their hearts, and their hunger for happiness will inspire you to change your small corner of the world, in your own way, for the better. Let them show you how they did it, and how you can do the same.

This program has been implemented in over 350 schools across the country.

The book, Secret Kindness Agents (9781608080915) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781608080915 in by Ferial Pearson, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Publisher: Boutique of Quality Books
Author: Ferial Pearson
Publication Date: 05/01/2014
Language: English
Pages: 66
ISBN: 1608080919
Publisher: Boutique of Quality Books
Author: Ferial Pearson
Publication Date: 05/01/2014
Language: English
Pages: 66
ISBN: 1608080919

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