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Native American Bilingual Education: An Ethnography of Powerful Forces

by Cheryl K. Crawley (Author),

ISBN: 9781800433175
List Price: $53.99
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Native American Bilingual Education (9781800433175)

Emerald Publishing Limited

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For over thirty years, a political and social battle over bilingual education raged in the U.S. and in and around the Crow Indian Reservation of Montana. This book, a period piece rich in political, historical, and local western context, is the story of language, education, inequality and power clashes between the dominant society and the Indian tribe as historical events unfolded. 

This is a classic ethnography that documents eight years of the author’s day-to-day experience as a teacher, bilingual education coordinator, and central office administrator during the socio-political dispute. The author showcases the familial, linguistic, and ancestral place-based strengths of the Crow families that empowered children to succeed in school against the odds, providing a secure foundation for their future leadership within the tribe. In doing this, the author builds strong support for bridging Native and Euro-American philosophies within a bilingual framework. 

This book is important reading for teachers, administrators, and policy-makers. It provides hope, ideas, and concrete actions for those who would engage in change management to improve learning environments and better serve diverse students.

The book, Native American Bilingual Education (9781800433175) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781800433175 in by Cheryl K. Crawley, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: Cheryl K. Crawley
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Publication Date: 03/15/2024
Language: English
Pages: 272
ISBN: 1800433174
Author: Cheryl K. Crawley
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Publication Date: 03/15/2024
Language: English
Pages: 272
ISBN: 1800433174

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