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Moral Economy at Work: Ethnographic Investigations in Eurasia


ISBN: 9781805391166
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Moral Economy at Work
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Moral Economy at Work (9781805391166)

Berghahn Books

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The idea of a moral economy has been explored and assessed in numerous disciplines. The anthropological studies in this volume provide a new perspective to this idea by showing how the relations of workers, employees and employers, and of firms, families and households are interwoven with local notions of moralities. From concepts of individual autonomy, kinship obligations, to ways of expressing mutuality or creativity, moral values exert an unrealized influence, and these often produce more consent than resistance or outrage.

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Product details

Publisher: Berghahn Books
Contributors: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann,
Publication Date: 09/15/2023
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 180539116X
Publisher: Berghahn Books
Contributors: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann,
Publication Date: 09/15/2023
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 180539116X

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