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Los Fundadores (The Founders Spanish Edition)

by Jimmy Soni (Author),

ISBN: 9788417963651
List Price: $24.95
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Los Fundadores (The Founders Spanish Edition)
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Los Fundadores (The Founders Spanish Edition) (9788417963651)

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Bestseller Nacional * New York Times Editors’ Choice * Financial Times “Books to Read in 2022” A través de cientos de entrevistas y material inédito, Jimmy Soni nos relata la historia de los pioneros de Paypal (Elon Musk, Amy Rowe, Peter Thiel y Julie Anderson, entre otros), considerados la red más poderosa de la industria tecnológica y fundadores de gran parte de lo que conforma nuestro mundo actual. A pesar de toda su influencia, la historia de los inicios de esos ‘fundadores’ no ha sido apenas contada. En su libro, Jimmy Soni explora los primeros días turbulentos de PayPal. Con cientos de entrevistas y acceso sin precedentes a miles de páginas de material interno, muestra cómo las semillas de gran parte de lo que da forma a nuestro mundo actual (empresas emergentes digitales de rápido crecimiento, las criptomonedas, transferencia de dinero móvil) se plantaron hace dos décadas atrás. /// National Bestseller * New York Times Editors’ Choice * Financial Times “Books to Read in 2022” Today, PayPal’s founders and earliest employees are considered the technology industry’s most powerful network. Since leaving PayPal, they have formed, funded, and advised the leading companies of our era, including Tesla, Facebook, YouTube, SpaceX, Yelp, Palantir, and LinkedIn, among many others. As a group, they have driven twenty-first-century innovation and entrepreneurship. Their names stir passions; they’re as controversial as they are admired. Yet for all their influence, the story of where they first started has gone largely untold. Before igniting the commercial space race or jumpstarting social media’s rise, they were the unknown creators of a scrappy online payments start-up called PayPal. In building what became one of the world’s foremost companies, they faced bruising competition, internal strife, the emergence of widespread online fraud, and the devastating dot-com bust of the 2000s. Their success was anything but certain. Described as “an intensely magnetic chronicle” (The New York Times) and “engrossing” (Business Insider), The Founders is a story of iteration and inventiveness—the products of which have cast a long and powerful shadow over modern life. This narrative illustrates how this rare assemblage of talent came to work together and how their collaboration changed our world forever.

The book, Los Fundadores (The Founders Spanish Edition) (9788417963651) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9788417963651 in by Jimmy Soni, Genís Monrabà, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Publisher: Editorial Reverté
Author: Jimmy Soni
Contributors: Genís Monrabà,
Publication Date: 05/02/2023
Language: Spanish
Pages: 560
ISBN: 8417963650
Publisher: Editorial Reverté
Author: Jimmy Soni
Contributors: Genís Monrabà,
Publication Date: 05/02/2023
Language: Spanish
Pages: 560
ISBN: 8417963650

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About the Author: Jimmy Soni,

Jimmy Soni es un autor galardonado. Su libro anterior, A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age, ganó el Premio Neumann 2017, concedido por la Sociedad Británica de Historia de las Matemáticas al mejor libro sobre historia de las matemáticas para un público general, y el Premio Middleton 2019 del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos.