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Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning: Games and Activities for Restorative Justice Practitioners

by Kathleen McGoey (Author), Lindsey Pointer (Author),

ISBN: 9781680999211
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      Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning
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      Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning (9781680999211)

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      Creating Restorative Learning Experiences Online 

      Teaching, training, and gathering online has become a global norm since 2020. Restorative practitioners have risen to the challenge to shift restorative justice processes, trainings, and classes to virtual platforms, a change that many worried would dilute the restorative experience. How can people build relationships with genuine empathy and trust when they are not in a shared physical space? How can an online platform become an environment for people to take risks and practice new skills without the interpersonal support available when meeting face to face? This book provides instructions for experiential games and activities that are intentionally designed for online learning spaces. It builds upon the core concepts of restorative pedagogy introduced in The Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools (2020) to guide trainers and facilitators to overcome perceived limitations of virtual training and lean into the tools and possibilities that are unique to online spaces to create meaningful, engaging restorative learning environments. 
      This guide is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to build community and foster development of restorative justice knowledge and skills via online platforms. The games and activities included support building relationships, introducing the restorative justice philosophy, practicing key skills, and understanding and addressing structural and racial injustices. More resources are available at

      The book, Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning (9781680999211) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781680999211 in by Kathleen McGoey, Lindsey Pointer, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Author: Kathleen McGoeyLindsey Pointer
      Publisher: Good Books
      Publication Date: 09/03/2024
      Language: English
      Pages: 136
      ISBN: 1680999214
      Author: Kathleen McGoeyLindsey Pointer
      Publisher: Good Books
      Publication Date: 09/03/2024
      Language: English
      Pages: 136
      ISBN: 1680999214

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