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Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times: A Regenerative Process

by Doris Candelarie (Author),

ISBN: 9781837973835
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      Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times (9781837973835)

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      Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times outlines a regenerative process for educational leaders developed in response to the disruption and crises caused by the social happenings of the Covid-19 pandemic, the racial justice reckoning after the George Floyd murder, and the political polarization paralyzing the United States.

      Each of these significant occurrences has left a lasting impact on school leaders, their teachers, students, families, and school communities. Educational leaders and scholars are just beginning to unravel the effects of this social phenomena on themselves personally and professionally, and on those they lead, teach, and support. Inequities that existed before are now magnified and untenable.

      Using a classic grounded theory research approach, Candelarie explores the implementation of The Regenerative Process, and how educational leaders can use this process to identify needed actions to respond to crisis, disruption, and change within their schools and educational organizations. These actions will regenerate education to a better, higher, more worthy state that is equitable and socially just.

      The book, Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times (9781837973835) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781837973835 in by Doris Candelarie, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Author: Doris Candelarie
      Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
      Publication Date: 12/01/2023
      Language: English
      Pages: 104
      ISBN: 1837973830
      Author: Doris Candelarie
      Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
      Publication Date: 12/01/2023
      Language: English
      Pages: 104
      ISBN: 1837973830

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