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Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum in the United States


ISBN: 9781461429432
List Price: $109.99
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Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum in the United States (9781461429432)


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The psychology community recognizes that cultivating an international worldview is crucial not only to professionals and researchers, but more importantly, for professors and students of psychology as well. It is critically necessary for psychologists to learn from their colleagues who are working in different cultural contexts in order to develop the type of knowledge and psychological understanding of human behavior that will be maximally useful to practitioners and researchers alike.

This volume, Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum in the United States, provides information and resources to help psychology faculty educate and train future generations of psychologists within a much more international mindset and global perspective. Recognizing that cultural context are central to a true and accurate psychology, the authors describes how cultural, economic, political, and social factors in different countries frame individual experience and affect the science and practice of psychology. Each of the chapters will provide a content-specific overview of how the curriculum in psychology with regards to social, development, clinical, counseling psychology, etc will need to be modified in order to present a much more global view of psychology.

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Product details

Publisher: Springer New York
Publisher: Springer New York

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