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How To Get Your Act Together: A Judgement-Free Guide to Diversity and Inclusion for Straight White Men

by Suki Sandhu (Author), Felicity Hassan (Author),

ISBN: 9780241485217
List Price: $28.95
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How To Get Your Act Together (9780241485217)

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Of the very few Fortune 500 companies that share diversity data, 72% of their senior executives are white men. And it's been proven that companies with more diverse management teams have nearly 20% higher revenues. Surely YOU don't want to be left behind?

Moral imperatives aside, the business case for diversity and inclusion is clearthey are clear drivers of innovation, profit, and employer brand. But how can male white leadership implement this change? There's no denying it's difficultperhaps you feel afraid to make mistakes, and confused about the evolving language of diversity and inclusion.

In this revolutionary guide, leading diversity specialists Felicity Hassan and Suki Sandhu OBE teach you how to create an inclusive environment for your employees and have educated conversations about diversity, illuminating tricky territory with humor and heart. This judgement-free guide will educate, empower, and embolden you to create a workplace where anyone can be themselves, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, class, or disabilityand eventually, to change the face of business for the better.

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Product details

Author: Suki SandhuFelicity Hassan
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK
Publication Date: 03/15/2022
Language: English
Pages: 272
ISBN: 0241485215
Author: Suki SandhuFelicity Hassan
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK
Publication Date: 03/15/2022
Language: English
Pages: 272
ISBN: 0241485215

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