History of Zen in China is mainly concerned with a detailed account of inheriting lineages and sermons of different Zen schools and sects in China. Zen Buddhism developed in China some fifteen hundred years ago, with Bodhidarma or Daruma being the First Patriarch, and became the dominant form of Buddhism in China in the late Tang Dynasty. This book presents before the readers a systematic map for the inheriting lineages of different Zen schools in Chinese history. The text of this book is easy to understand and the lineage charts at the end of the book, collected by the author from different corners of the world, are of great value for those who are interested in Zen Buddihsm.
The book, History of Zen in China (9781487804060) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781487804060 in by Yu-hsiu Ku, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.