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Gallop!: A Scanimation Picture Book

by Rufus Butler Seder (Author),

ISBN: 9780761147633
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      Gallop! (9780761147633)

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      There's never before been a book like Gallop! Employing a patented new technology called Scanimation, each page is a marvel that brings animals, along with one shining star, to life with art that literally moves. It's impossible not to flip the page, and flip it again, and again, and again.

      A first book of motion for kids, it shows a horse in full gallop and a turtle swimming up the page. A dog runs, a cat springs, an eagle soars, and a butterfly flutters. Created by Rufus Butler Seder, an inventor, artist, and filmmaker fascinated by antique optical toys, Scanimation is a state-of-the-art six-phase animation process that combines the "persistence of vision" principle with a striped acetate overlay to give the illusion of movement. It harkens back to the old magical days of the kinetoscope, and the effect is astonishing, like a Muybridge photo series springing into action—or, in terms kids can relate to, like a video without a screen. Complementing the art is a delightful rhyming text full of simple questions and fun, nonsense replies: Can you gallop like a horse? giddyup-a-loo! Can you strut like a rooster? cock-a-doodle-doo!

      Every child who opens the book will be amazed—and so will every parent.

      The book, Gallop! (9780761147633) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9780761147633 in by Rufus Butler Seder, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Author: Rufus Butler Seder
      Publisher: Workman Publishing Company
      Publication Date: 11/22/2007
      Language: English
      Pages: 12
      ISBN: 0761147632
      Author: Rufus Butler Seder
      Publisher: Workman Publishing Company
      Publication Date: 11/22/2007
      Language: English
      Pages: 12
      ISBN: 0761147632

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