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Family Business: Innovative On-Site Child Care Since 1983

by Malinda Pennoyer Chouinard (Author), Jennifer Ridgeway (Author),

ISBN: 9781938340536
List Price: $45.00
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Family Business (9781938340536)


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Our love of wild and beautiful places and our determination to save them began outside. We want the same for our children. This visual guide illustrates why Patagonia’s on-site child care center is a key component of our corporate mission and why providing high quality on-site child care to working families is essential. In safe and engaging environments we support unstructured play where our children learn hand-eye coordination, balance and mental agility. Anything that can be done indoors is better learned outdoors where physical strength, creativity and confidence develop. True to Patagonia’s climbing roots we encourage risk as the children learn and grow in an atmosphere of trust. This book is the visual story of how one corporation provides the support working families need to preserve American ingenuity that begins in early childhood.

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Product details

Publisher: Patagonia
Author: Malinda Pennoyer ChouinardJennifer Ridgeway
Publication Date: 08/16/2016
Language: English
Pages: 400
ISBN: 1938340531
Publisher: Patagonia
Author: Malinda Pennoyer ChouinardJennifer Ridgeway
Publication Date: 08/16/2016
Language: English
Pages: 400
ISBN: 1938340531

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