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Everybody Wants to Rule the World: Surviving and Thriving in a World of Digital Giants

by R "Ray" Wang (Author),

ISBN: 9781400224869
List Price: $24.99
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Everybody Wants to Rule the World (9781400224869)

HarperCollins Leadership

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Which kinds of companies will thrive and which will get crushed by the powerful forces in the global business landscape now at work? This groundbreaking new guide will help you adapt and change your business to thrive among digital giants, including Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Drawing on considerable original research and case studies from Wang’s acclaimed firm, Constellation Research, this groundbreaking guide reveals which kinds of companies will thrive and which will get crushed by the powerful forces now at work.

Ultimately, you will understand how the business world is changing in the face of extreme competition and, most importantly, you will learn how to adapt now to stay relevant and in demand.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World will help you:

  • Understand the power of Data-Driven Digital Networks and how they have driven the most successful companies of our time.
  • Learn how extreme consolidation is changing the global business landscape and what this means for businesses of all types and sizes in terms of understanding where you fit in the value chain.
  • Gain insights into what innovative companies are doing right now to position themselves in this new reality.
  • Take your business from status quo to market leader.

The book, Everybody Wants to Rule the World (9781400224869) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781400224869 in by R "Ray" Wang, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: R "Ray" Wang
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publication Date: 07/13/2021
Language: English
Pages: 224
ISBN: 1400224861
Author: R "Ray" Wang
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publication Date: 07/13/2021
Language: English
Pages: 224
ISBN: 1400224861

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About the Author: R "Ray" Wang,

R “Ray” Wang (pronounced WAHNG) is the Founder, Chairman, and Principal Analyst of Silicon Valley based Constellation Research Inc., which studies emerging business and technology trends, digital business model transformation, enterprise applications strategy, and the relationship between business leadership and technology adoption. He is widely respected for his insights into the business processes, models, and organizational designs required for successful adoption of new technology. Wang writes the popular blog “A Software Insider’s Point of View,” which draws tens of millions of page views each year. He lectures around the world and has given more than 100 keynotes every year since 2005. Wang has spoken at almost every major tech related conference, including Salesforce’s Dreamforce, Adobe Summit, IBM Think, HR Tech Conference, Microsoft’s Conferences, Google Next, and the World Economic Forum at Davos.