This study investigates the extent of the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea with respect to the four bordering EC countries - spain, France, Italy, and Greece. The environmental pressures and economic impacts are examined and the institutional/legal framework is described together with all the necessary environmental expenditures. The book is written in such a way that separate chapters are devoted to each of the four countries, after an initial section summarizing the major commonalities. These chapters are organized in parallel formats so that it is possible to examine the same topic country by country. Good references are provided for the reader who is not familiar with the subject of Mediterranean pollution. For specialists, the book provides a useful overview of adjacent fields other than their own speciality: for policymakers, the chapters provide sufficient foundations for decision-making: for the investment planner and banks, it provides budget and investment needs; and for the private sector, it gives an insight into the possibilities for corporate applications of environmental technologies. Four specialists - Prof. V. Silano (Italy), Dr. M. Vassilopoulos (Greece), Dr. L.A. Romafia (France), and Mr. A. Estevan (Spain- contributed sustantially by evaluating the necessary information from national documents on environmental policies and strategies. The book was developed on the basis of an integrated environmental study financed by the European Investment Bank, to which we would like to express our sincere thanks.
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