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Enterprise Project Governance: A Guide to the Successful Management of Projects Across the Organization

by Paul C. Dinsmore (Author), Luiz Rocha (Author),

ISBN: 9780814417461
List Price: $34.95
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Enterprise Project Governance (9780814417461)


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In our increasingly competitive global economy, companies in all industries are struggling to survive and seeking new ways to do more--and this places unprecedented pressure on project managers to take on and govern multiple efforts simultaneously. Enterprise Project Governance reveals proven techniques for dealing with the multiplicity of projects and ensuring that programs and initiatives create the value needed to help your organization prosper. Through enlightening examples and case studies, readers will learn how to examine new project proposals and align them with the priorities, resources, and strategies of the organization. But this isn’t a one-person job. As its title suggests, Enterprise Project Governance takes a more systemic approach to the important work of managing projects, teaching practical methods for incorporating enterprise project governance into an organization's culture, synchronizing it with corporate governance, and maximizing efficiency and results across departments. Whether you’re a boardroom exec, an experience project manager struggling to keep up, or someone working in the trenches and hoping to advance, this go-to guide will help you manage your workload--and even increase it--with ease.

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Product details

Author: Paul C. DinsmoreLuiz Rocha
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 03/28/2012
Language: English
Pages: 288
ISBN: 0814417469
Author: Paul C. DinsmoreLuiz Rocha
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 03/28/2012
Language: English
Pages: 288
ISBN: 0814417469

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About the Author: Paul C. Dinsmore, Luiz Rocha,

Paul C. Dinsmore, PMP (Dallas, TX, and Rio de Janeiro) is an international authority on project management and organizational change. He has been honored with PMI’s Distinguished Contributions Award, and is a Fellow of the Institute.

LUIZ ROCHA, director of projects with Dinsmore, Associates, has 35 years of experience in project management, and has worked internationally with organizations including Andersen Consulting and Delloite.