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Economic Policy in a Demographically Divided World
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Economic Policy in a Demographically Divided World contains
the economic analysis of the consequences of demographic
change and the diverging population developments in an
interdependent world economy in particular. The global
divergence in demographic developments gives rise to a
myriadof economic and ethical problems. This topic is
treated with the help of themathematical apparatus of
neoclassical optimal growth models. The author tries to
disentangle the basic policy issues of a demographically
divided world, such as a selective immigration policy,
sustainable patterns of international lending and borrowing,
development aid, and dynamic optimal taxation.
The most important feature of the book is that it brings
together information and theories of fairly recent date to
analyse a practical policy problem, viz. issues related to a
world economy that is characterised by a demographic
division. This stylised fact is hardly given some attention
in current economic theory and the book contains with
respect to this stylised fact some new results.
Customers might benefit from the book by gaining intuition
concerning principles of economic policy in a world
characterised by demographic change.