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Diario : Ana Frank

by Ana Frank (Author),

ISBN: 9786075574011
List Price: $13.95
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Diario (9786075574011)

Gran Travesia

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La memoria encontró su camino en las páginas de un diario. Escrito en la oscuridad provocada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, El diario de Ana Frank representó un verdadero refugio para los sentimientos, pensamientos y la esperanza. Las palabras que nacieron ocultas en el día a día sobrevivieron al tiempo, y son la voz de que no hay muro o perseguidor que detenga el anhelo de expresarse.
Memory found its way into the pages of a diary. Written in the darkness caused by World War II, The Diary of Anne Frank represented a true haven for feelings, thoughts and hope. The words that were born hidden in the day to day survived time, and are the voice that there is no wall or persecutor that stops the desire to express oneself.

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Product details

Author: Ana Frank
Publisher: Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Publication Date: 06/01/2022
Language: Spanish
Pages: 424
ISBN: 6075574018
Author: Ana Frank
Publisher: Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Publication Date: 06/01/2022
Language: Spanish
Pages: 424
ISBN: 6075574018

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