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Cultural Intelligence in the 21st Century: Driving Inclusion, Revenue, and ESG

by Stephan M. Branch (Author),

ISBN: 9781637589748
List Price: $28.99
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Cultural Intelligence in the 21st Century
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Cultural Intelligence in the 21st Century (9781637589748)

Post Hill Press

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Discover how leadership, cultural intelligence, and inclusion coalesce to create preeminent global leaders and organizations while driving revenue, inclusion, and ESG.

If you are a CEO, global leader, or part of a global organization, you can revolutionize every part of your business by raising your cultural intelligence. Cultural Intelligence in the 21st Century explores nine crucial cultural competencies that will transform every part of your business, including:
  • how you drive inclusion, revenue, and ESG
  • how you lead global teams for better results
  • how you increase sales and operational performance
  • how you communicate across cultures
  • how you build relationships and trust in other countries

In recent years, organizations have become fixated on raising Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) because they recognize that the Millennial and Z generations are largely focused on investing in companies that better align with their personal philosophies. Global 2000 companies know this and are redirecting much of their focus to ESG in order to make their organizations more attractive to employees and investors.

The “S” in ESG isn’t only about social equity; it’s about understanding the importance of how other countries conduct business. Did you know you can solve both at the same time while having a transformative financial impact on your organization? How can you build a globally inclusive culture in an organization where everyone feels seen, heard, and respected if you don’t understand how cultures communicate, build relationships and trust, and show respect differently? You can learn the cultural competencies to do business in other countries in order to create a more inclusive environment within a global organization, which qualifies as a metric within the ESG rating. Cultural Intelligence in the 21st Century gives you the competencies you need to do this.

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Product details

Author: Stephan M. Branch
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Publication Date: 11/21/2023
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN: 1637589743
Author: Stephan M. Branch
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Publication Date: 11/21/2023
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN: 1637589743

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About the Author: Stephan M. Branch,

Stephan M. Branch has led both privately held and multi-billion-dollar publicly traded companies in the US, Asia, Latin America, and Europe. During his tenure at those companies, he was responsible for a total of fifty-five countries and lived on five continents. He has graduate degrees from George Washington University and is a graduate of Harvard Law School's International Negotiation Program. He is multi-lingual and has served multiple terms on the Board of Directors of the National Foreign Trade Council.

He has been instrumental in global IPOs while simultaneously creating explosive growth to meet the very high expectations of investors and boards. The secret to his success is that he fully grasps how leadership, cultural intelligence, and inclusion coalesce to create extraordinary leaders with a transformative impact on revenue, business valuation, and ESG.