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Confessions of a Murphy's Law Child: Surviving Child Abuse, Racism, Poverty, and Trick-Ask Ideology

by Dr. Franklin Titus Thompson (Author),

ISBN: 9781667857749
List Price: $25.00
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Confessions of a Murphy's Law Child (9781667857749)


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Murphy's Kids. What a strange moniker. It corresponds with the so-called Murphy's Law that states if a series of things can potentially go wrong, they will. As incredible as it sounds, there are some kids who, from the day they are born until they leave this earth, encounter more than their fair share of bad luck and misfortune. It is as if a vixen were attached to their spinal cord. Most children learn to adapt, but far too many acquiesce. They become victims and turn to the dark side. A few choose to die and take innocent lives with them.

Throw in racism, poverty, learned helplessness, and low self-esteem and that task becomes even more daunting. The good news is that when parents, social service agencies, government, the police, and even organized religion fail to save our children -- young people can still beat the odds if there is a caring adult who makes a conscious effort to engage with the hurting child and not let them fall through the cracks of society.

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Product details

Author: Dr. Franklin Titus Thompson
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication Date: 11/02/2022
Language: English
Pages: 264
ISBN: 1667857746
Author: Dr. Franklin Titus Thompson
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication Date: 11/02/2022
Language: English
Pages: 264
ISBN: 1667857746

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