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Confesiones de una diva / Confessions of a Diva

by Pedro Luis Figueira Álvarez (Author), La Divaza (Author),

ISBN: 9786073831024
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      Confesiones de una diva / Confessions of a Diva
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      Confesiones de una diva / Confessions of a Diva (9786073831024)


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      Te invito a que conozcas mi camino, una historia sin filtros contada por mí misma, y que capítulo a capítulo veas que ningún sueño es imposible cuando llevas una diva por dentro.

      De una diva se dice todo, se especula desde su origen hasta sus amores; se le puede amar u odiar, pero nunca ser indiferente a su presencia. ¿Tú crees que una diva nace o se hace? Yo pienso que es un poco de todo:Un toque de carisma, otro de vanidad, uno más de buena suerte y mucho trabajo para alcanzar ese sitio que tantas anhelan, pero que pocas están dispuestas a conseguir. Esta es la historia de cómo yo, Pedro Figueira, puse mis sueños y aspiraciones muy alto y me convertí en La Divaza. También de cómo el mundo puede ponernos muchas trabas y no reconocer que independientemente de nuestros gustos, identidades y preferencias somos seres que amamos, luchamos y estamos aquí para ser felices.


      I invite you to get to know my journey, my unfiltered story, and page by page realize that no dream is unattainable when you have a diva inside.

      There are many things that can be said about a diva, and there are often speculations about the origins and love affairs of a diva. A diva can be loved or hated, but one can never be indifferent to its presence. Do you think a diva is born or is made? I think a diva is a bit of everything: A touch of charisma, a touch of vanity, some good luck, and a lot of work to reach that place that so many yearn to reach, but that only a few achieve. This is the story of how I, Pedro Figueira, set my dreams and aspirations very high and became La Divaza, “The Super Diva”. It is also the story of how the world can put a lot of obstacles in our way, and not realize that regardless of our likes, our identities, and our preferences, at the end of the day, we are human beings who love, struggle with things, and our purpose is to be happy.

      The book, Confesiones de una diva / Confessions of a Diva (9786073831024) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9786073831024 in by Pedro Luis Figueira Álvarez, La Divaza, may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Author: Pedro Luis Figueira ÁlvarezLa Divaza
      Publisher: PRH Grupo Editorial
      Publication Date: 09/19/2023
      Language: Spanish
      Pages: 240
      ISBN: 6073831021
      Author: Pedro Luis Figueira ÁlvarezLa Divaza
      Publisher: PRH Grupo Editorial
      Publication Date: 09/19/2023
      Language: Spanish
      Pages: 240
      ISBN: 6073831021

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