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Bottling Up Trouble: How alcohol is holding your business back (and what to do about it)

by Tabbin Almond (Author),

ISBN: 9781788605946
List Price: $30.99
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Bottling Up Trouble (9781788605946)

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How much is alcohol costing your company?

It may not appear on the balance sheet, but the loss of productivity and the human suffering that it causes mean leaders can't afford to ignore this elephant in the board room.

Leaders are beginning to realize that by confronting the issue of alcohol they can liberate people from shame and stigma, boost wellbeing and productivity, support diversity initiatives and create positive, lasting culture change.

Let's stop bottling up trouble.

Tabbin Almond’s drinking career started early, and really took off when she worked in advertising. Her drinking made her miserable and affected every area of her life. Now, having overcome her own addiction, she works as a coach, blogger, podcaster and speaker to help others control alcohol and find freedom.

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Product details

Author: Tabbin Almond
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 09/10/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788605942
Author: Tabbin Almond
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 09/10/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788605942

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About the Author: Tabbin Almond,

Tabbin Almond had a long career in advertising, working in some of London’s top agencies and winning numerous awards. Like most of her colleagues, she drank… a lot. Realising she had a problem, she tried on countless occasions to stop. Eventually she found a method that worked, and then went on to train as a coach to help others. As a coach, she became increasingly aware that the stigma around alcohol-dependence was preventing people from asking for help, and keeping them stuck in lack-lustre performance, affecting their careers as well as the productivity and profitability of the organisations they worked for. In addition to one-on-one and group coaching, she runs Reset Retreats, blogs, appears on podcasts and is a regular guest speaker.