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Black American Males in Higher Education: Research, Programs and Academe


ISBN: 9781849506434
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      Black American Males in Higher Education (9781849506434)

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      Volume 7 is the second of two volumes in "Emerald's Diversity in Higher Education" series that specifically address the state of Black American males in higher education today. In this volume, the contributing authors, who as in Volume 6, come from a wide range of institutions and disciplines, present rich discussions related to reports on research and theoretical views pertaining to Black males in higher education. Further, presented in this volume are significant discussions of intervention programs within or associated with institutions of higher education as well as discourses on critical perspectives regarding the situation for Black males in academe. Many of the topics discussed in the two volumes have often been overlooked regarding the level of importance, but the gravity of the situation has become increasingly apparent and Volume 7 looks to contribute to content that address this crucial educational and societal issue surrounding the circumstances of Black American males and higher education.

      The book, Black American Males in Higher Education (9781849506434) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781849506434 in by Henry T. Frierson, James H. Wyche, Willie PearsonJr., may be ordered in class sets of books and bulk children's books for your classroom novel set needs. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
      Contributors: Henry T. Frierson, James H. Wyche, Willie PearsonJr.,
      Publication Date: 12/04/2009
      Language: English
      Pages: 376
      ISBN: 1849506434
      Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
      Contributors: Henry T. Frierson, James H. Wyche, Willie PearsonJr.,
      Publication Date: 12/04/2009
      Language: English
      Pages: 376
      ISBN: 1849506434

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