Bharatha Natyam The Dance of India: Grammar and Technique is a book for all dance students, specifically those learning the popular classical dance from South India, Bharatha Natyam. This is a thorough book, which has material from the ancient texts on dance simplified and even tabulated for easy understanding. The in-depth explanations of music, theater and dance, the technical details of dance including pure dance and expressive elements of dance, adavu units of dance, hand gestures, detailed movements of the body based on the codified rules stated in the dance treatise the Natya Sastra are explained in simple language. The experiences of the author having to market her art and artistic career in US, advice to emerging artists, the creative and technical aspects of dance choreography are also detailed from her personal experience. The book has over 600 full color photographs that help in understanding the technical nuances. A comprehensive book that is valuable guide for students and practitioners of Bharatha Natyam or learning Indian dance as part of world dance.
The book, Bharatha Natyam The Dance of India: Grammar and Technique (9781634528016) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781634528016 in by Jayanthi Raman, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.