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Beyond Discomfort: Why inclusive leadership is so hard (and what you can do about it)

by Nadia Nagamootoo (Author),

ISBN: 9781788604390
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Beyond Discomfort (9781788604390)

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Talk to anyone about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and it sparks a whole range of emotions. Why? Because DEI, at its very core, is about values and beliefs, and it’s about change. So it is no surprise then, that despite putting in place a DEI strategy and multiple initiatives, so many organizations get stuck.

Beyond Discomfort reveals a new model with four leadership belief systems and associated emotional responses to DEI.


  • Real life stories to help deepen your understanding of why leaders find DEI so hard
  • Self-insight from the accompanying diagnostic tool to help you assess and better connect with your current leadership perspective
  • Practical tools and activities to help expand your thinking, with specific actions to be more inclusive

Nadia Nagamootoo is a Chartered Psychologist, accredited coach, MBA and Founder of Avenir, a DEI consultancy. Through her multiple keynotes and popular podcast show, Why Care?, Nadia has become a profound thought leader in DEI, guiding organizations on an accelerated path to creating inclusion and belonging.

The book, Beyond Discomfort (9781788604390) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781788604390 in by Nadia Nagamootoo, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: Nadia Nagamootoo
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 03/26/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788604393
Author: Nadia Nagamootoo
Publisher: Practical Inspiration Publishing
Publication Date: 03/26/2024
Language: English
ISBN: 1788604393

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About the Author: Nadia Nagamootoo,

Nadia Nagamootoo is the founder and CEO of Avenir, a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultancy. She is a Chartered Psychologist, MBA and accredited coach with over 20 years’ experience in the field of leadership, organizational development and culture change.

At Avenir, Nadia works with global leaders, coaching and facilitating discussions to open up safe and powerful inclusive conversations. She guides clients through a process of identifying the gaps in their inclusion culture, developing their DEI strategy, to implementing powerful change through Avenir’s Inclusive Leadership Programme and all-staff education and engagement.

Nadia is an active voice in the area of DEI. She is regularly writes articles on a range of subjects – on her own platform as well as popular membership sites such as HR Zone and The RSA – and has published reports to contribute knowledge in the field. She has a significant LinkedIn following and an engaged community.

A prolific and highly sought-after keynote speaker on the subject of inclusive leadership, privilege, bias and equity, she delivered a notable presentation at the Icon Global Inclusion conference in 2022, discussing the barriers to inclusive leadership.

Nadia is host of the popular podcast show ‘Why Care?’, where she discusses all things DEI with those leading the way in the field. Guests include top names, such as Bonnie St John (Paralympian, White House official, TedX speaker and author), Eric Pliner (CEO of YSC and author of Difficult Decisions), and Kristen Anderson (Vice Chair of European Women on Boards).