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Back to Business: Finding Your Confidence, Embracing Your Skills, and Landing Your Dream Job After a Career Pause


ISBN: 9781400221547
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Back to Business (9781400221547)

HarperCollins Leadership

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Back to Business makes returning to the workforce accessible for anyone who believes that finding a decent job after taking a career break is impossible.

When on the hunt for a job, make sure your LinkedIn profile is just as polished and updated as your resume. If you aren’t getting responses from recruiters, chances are your profile is missing pertinent keywords that bots aren’t selecting. In addition, dress codes have changed too, so you’ll need to know new technologies such as Slack and Google+ Hangouts. If you have no idea what any of this means, YOU’RE NOT ALONE.

You’re one of the forty-five percent of women who, after taking a career break, quickly discovered that the job search has changed rapidly in the last decade. With new modes of communication, rules of discoverability and expectations, this book lays out a clear path for anyone ready to re-enter the workforce.

Getting started is much easier when you know what the first step should be. In Back to Business, career coaching and re-entry experts Nancy McSharry Jensen and Sarah Duenwald, have put together a guide for women returning to the workplace. 

Practical and easy to understand, Back to Business teaches you how to:

  • Identify and talk about what you want.
  • Understand your personal brand and how your skills translate to your new career.
  • Become professionally relevant and gain confidence in returning to the workforce.
  • Look for job opportunities while being productive and intentional with your time.

Nancy and Sarah understand through first-hand experience the anxiety of returning to work. They have helped hundreds of women facing the job search process to overcome the anxiety of what is often overwhelming life change.

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Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

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