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Ambition in Black + White: The Feminist Narrative Revised

by Melinda Marshall (Author), Tai Wingfield (Author),

ISBN: 9781942600794
List Price: $14.95
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Ambition in Black + White (9781942600794)

Rare Bird Books, A Vireo Book

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What do women want? Black women and white aspire to excel, empower others, and earn well in their careers, but confront different hurdles in pursuit of these goals, as they have started the race from different gates. Progress for all women, we posit, depends on first recognizing their differences. In this book we show how history accounts for both the invisibility that keeps black women from attaining power as well as the ambivalence that constrains white women from pursuing it—offering strategies to help every woman fulfill her ambitions.

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Product details

Publisher: Rare Bird Books
Author: Melinda MarshallTai Wingfield
Publication Date: 06/21/2016
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 1942600798
Publisher: Rare Bird Books
Author: Melinda MarshallTai Wingfield
Publication Date: 06/21/2016
Language: English
Pages: 208
ISBN: 1942600798

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