Amber, Gold & Black is a comprehensive history of British beer in all its variety. It covers all there is to know about the history of the beers Britons have brewed and enjoyed down the centuries—Bitter, Porter, Mild and Stout, IPA, Brown Ale, Burton Ale and Old Ale, Barley Wine and Stingo, Golden Ale, Gale Ale, Honey Ale, White Beer, Heather Ale, and Mum. This is a celebration of the depths of British beery heritage, a look at the roots of the styles that are enjoyed today as well as lost ales and beers, and a study of how the liquids that fill our beer glasses developed over the years. From beginner to beer buff, this history will tell you things you never knew before about Britain's favorite drink.
The book, Amber, Gold & Black (9780752455679) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9780752455679 in by Martyn Cornell, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.