Why do so many feel discouraged or disconnected with church?
Church people aren’t perfect. We get that. As Christians we are called to a high standard in terms of communicating with love, respect and honesty. Yet how often do we observe and experience “corrupt communication” that betrays, breaks down and builds walls rather than builds up?
What we often do not know is how to plow through our muted messes and hear that cleansing, still small Voice. This book will provide you spiritual “Windex” to clean up and clarify your relationships and learn better communications skills that promote healthy, open communication and polishes, rather than tarnishes our testimony.
“Truth is choosing to be honest with God and then honest with the person in your mirror.”
Let’s stop avoiding the truth and instead embrace it. When you do, you can expect to enjoy:
· Ending continuous conflict in the Body of Christ
· Learning specific verbal skills which will keep communication open and honest
· Monitoring silent resentment from becoming permanent within the Church
· Communicating anger without using intimidation
· Admitting that as God’s children, we are constantly in a state of revision and renewal
· Honestly saying, “I was wrong.”
Altar-Egos offers hope for people of faith who know they can become vibrant, positive and affirming disciples of Jesus Christ.