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Age Diversity in the Workplace: An Organizational Perspective


ISBN: 9781787430747
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      Age Diversity in the Workplace (9781787430747)

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      Organisations, as well as individuals and societies, continue to struggle with the complexity associated with unprecedented demographic changes. Workforce ageing and increasing age diversity are not transient phenomena, and their implications are compounded by the combination of several global trends like workers' increased mobility and migration, as well as increasing gender and ethnic differences. This demographic pressure compels organisations to question conventional ways of management thinking, doing and being in order to capitalize on the benefits of an age-diverse workforce. This volume bridges theoretical and empirical approaches in order to illuminate the challenges of valuing employees at any point in their professional lives, from youth to retirement. Embracing perspectives that span from the individual to the organisational levels of analysis, the book explores the two distinct but intertwined phenomena of workforce ageing and increasing workforce age diversity. The volume is divided into two parts. Contributions in the first section raise questions about the meanings of age and age diversity, as well as how and when age matters in organisations. The second part of the book examines the role and contribution of HR practices in forging an age-inclusive workplace.

      The book, Age Diversity in the Workplace (9781787430747) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9781787430747 in by Miguel R. Olivas-Luján, Tanya Bondarouk, Silvia Profili, Alessia Sammarra, Laura Innocenti, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

      Product details

      Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
      Contributors: Miguel R. Olivas-Luján, Tanya Bondarouk, Silvia Profili, Alessia Sammarra, Laura Innocenti,
      Publication Date: 08/17/2017
      Language: English
      Pages: 216
      ISBN: 178743074X
      Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
      Contributors: Miguel R. Olivas-Luján, Tanya Bondarouk, Silvia Profili, Alessia Sammarra, Laura Innocenti,
      Publication Date: 08/17/2017
      Language: English
      Pages: 216
      ISBN: 178743074X

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