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A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell: Handling Idiots, Whiners, Slackers, and Other Workplace Demons

by Gini Scott (Author),

ISBN: 9780814474082
List Price: $18.99
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A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell (9780814474082)


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From whiners and wastrels to the needy and nefarious, this helpful and humorous guide gives you the tools you need to handle any type of difficult employee.

All managers get saddled with "problem" employees from time to time, but what sets great managers apart is how they deal with them. Drawing from real-life stories, A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell provides you with practical advice for handling a wide range of difficult types, including:

  • The Impossible "I"s: Incompetents, Idiots, and Imbeciles -- clueless employees who simply don’t know what they’re doing
  • The Bull in the Office China Shop -- the frequently angry worker ready to confront anyone and everyone
  • The Party-Time Performer -- the employee who, although great with people, constantly turns work-time into fun-time
  • I’ve Got a Problem -- employees whose work is compromised by any of a range of personal demons, from drug and alcohol problems to emotional issues

Author Gini Graham Scott’s advice springs largely from common sense, acknowledging there isn’t just one way to handle a difficult worker. For any manger or supervisor looking for tips on effectively managing troublesome workers, look no further than A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell.

The book, A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell (9780814474082) [Order Bulk Books, Wholesale, Quantity Discount] with ISBN# 9780814474082 in by Gini Scott, may be ordered bulk quantities. Minimum orders start at copies.

Product details

Author: Gini Scott
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 12/08/2006
Language: English
Pages: 224
ISBN: 081447408X
Author: Gini Scott
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication Date: 12/08/2006
Language: English
Pages: 224
ISBN: 081447408X

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